*Note: F = Female, M = Male*
Business — Athena (F), Ebisu (M), Gaia (F), Jupiter (M), Midas (M)
Change — Bloedewydd
(F), Brighid (F), Cerridwyn (F), Epona (F), Nemesis (F), Persephone (F),
Rhiannon (F), Spider Woman (F), Vertumnus (M)
Childbirth — Aphrodite (F), Arianrhod (F), Brighid (F), Demeter (F), Gaia (F), Hera (F), Ilmater (F)
Communication —
Amerigin (M), Baduh (M), Bharati (M), Brighid (F), Gadel (M),
Hashhye-Atlye (M), Hermes (M), Hu (M), Ikto (M), Imaluris (M), Iris (F),
Nabu (M), Oghma (M), Pairikas (F), Saravati (F)
Computers and Peripherals — Loki (M), Murphy (M), Thor (M), Zeus (M); Modems — Herms (M), Mercury (M), Sarasvati (F); Scanners — Brighid (F), Venus (F)
Courage — Achilles (M),
Apollo (M), Ares (M), Artemis (F), Athene (F), Altas (M), Bellora (F),
Diana (F), Hercules (M), Mars (M), Morgan (F), Nieth (F), Persephone
(F), Perseus (M)
Creativity — Apollo
(M), Artemis Calliste (F), Athena (F), Bragi (M), Brighid (F), Ilmater
(F), Odin (M), Maya (F), Minerva (F), The Muses (F), Namagiri (F) Ptah
(M), Tvashtri (M), Veveteotl (M), Wayland (M)
Divination — Adrste
(F), Ashtoreth (F), Bannik (M), Carmenta (F), Dione (F), Egeria (F),
Evander (M), Filia Vocis (F), Gaia (F), Gwendydd (F), Inanna (F), Kwan
Yin (F), Mari (F), Namagiri (F), Odin (M), Shamash (M), Thoth (M)
Fertility — Acat (M),
Ahurani (F), Aima (F), Althea (F), Amahita (F), Anat (F), Apollo (M),
Arianrhod (F), Astarte (F), Atergatis (F), Baal (M), Bacchus (M),
Berchta (F), Bona Dea (F), Brimo (F), Ceres (F), Cupra (F), Damara (F),
Demeter (F), Dionysus (M), Fortuna (F), Freya (F), Lono (F), Ma (F),
Neith (F), Rhea (F), Wajwer (M)
Friendship — Hathor (F), Maitri (F), Mithras (M)
Gardening — Ceres (F), Rhea (F), Theano (F)
Gossip — Tacita (F)
Harmony — Alcyone (F), Concordia (F), Forseti (M), Harmonia (F), Kuan-Ti (M), Pax (F)
Health/Healing —
Aphrodite (F), Apollo (M), Artemis (F), Asclepius (M), Brighid (F),
Ceadda (M), Diancecht (M), Eir (F), Esculapius (M), Gula (F), Hgygeia
(F), Karusepas (F), Kedesh (F), Kwan Yin (F), Liban (F), Meditrina (F),
Rhiannon (F), Salus (F), Tien Kuan (F)
Heartbreak — Apollo (M), Diana (F), Gaia (F), Luna (F), Selena (F)
Home — Bannik (M),
Cardea (F), Da-Bog (M), Dugnai (F), Gucumatz (M), Hastehogan (M), Hestia
(F), Kikimora (F), The Lares (M), Neith (F), Penates (M), Vesta (F)
Hunting — Apollo (M), Artemis (F), Diana (F), Vali (M), Yadlir (M)
Joy — Amaterasu (F), Ataksak (M), Baldur (M), Fu-Hsing (M), Hathor (F), Hotei (M), Omacati (M), Samkhat (F), Tien Kuan (M)
Justice — Aleitheia
(F), Anasa (M), Apollo (M), Astraea (F), Athene (F), Forseti (M), Hecate
(F), Justita (F), Ida-Ten (M), Kali (F), Ma'at (F), Mens (F), Misharu
(M), Mithras (M), The Morrigan (F), Musku (M), Syn (F), Tyr (M), Varuna
Knowledge — Apollo (M),
Binah (F), Cerridwen (F), Deshtri (F), Gwion (M), Hanuman (M), Hecate
(F), Hermes (M), Kiuei Hsing (M), Lugh (M), Ormazd (M), Minerva (F),
Mnemosyne (F), Shing Mu (F), Sia (M), Tenjin (M), Toma (F)
Liberation — Artemis (F), Carna (F), Diana (F), Libertas (F), Liberty (F), Terminus (M)
Love — Amun Ra (M),
Anat (F), Angus (M), Aphrodite (F), Astarte (F), Belili (F), Belit-Ilnat
(F), Benten (F), Cupid (M), Cybele (F), Erzulie (F), Hathor (F), Ishtar
(F), Isis (F), Kama (M), Venus (F)
Luck — Agathadaimon
(M), Benten (F), Bonus Eventus (M), Buddha (M), Chala (F), Diakoku (M),
Felicitas (F), Fortuna (F), Gansea (M), Kichijo-Ten (F), Lakshmi (F),
The Muses (F), Tamon (M)
Lunar Workings — Al-Iat
(F), Anumati (F), Artemis (F), Ashima (F), Belili (F), Callisto (F),
Diana (F), Fati (M), Gou (M), Iah (M), Ilmagah (M), Jerah (F), Lavanah
(F), Luna (F), Mah (M), Mani (M), Re (M), Selene (F)
Lust — Aphrodite (F),
Arami (F), Bes (M), Eros (M), Hathor (F), Heket (F), Indrani (F), Isis
(F), Ishtar (F), Lalita (F), Lilith (F), Min (M), Pan (M), Rati (F),
Venus (F), Yarillo (M)
Magickal Power —
Amathaon (M), Aradia (F), Ayizan (F), Cernunnos (M), Cerridwen (F),
Circe (F), Dakinis (F), Demeter (F), Diana (F), Ea (M), Eterna (M),
Gulleig (F), Habondia (F), Hecate (F), Herodias (F), Holle (F), Kwan Yin
(F), Mari (F), Odin (M), Rangda (F), Thoth (M), Untunktahe (M)
Marriage — Aramati (F), Fides (F), Gaia (F), Hera (F), Ida (F)
New Endeavors — Amun Ra (M), Apollo (M), Brighid (F), Cerridwyn (F), Iris (F), Janus (M), Laurentina (F), The Muses (F)
Obstacles — Atlas (M), Carna (F), Janus (M), Lilith (F), Syn (F), Terminus (M)
Opportunity — Brighid (F), Carna (F), Janus (M), Syn (F)
Pets — Bast (F), Diana (F), Melusine (F), Pan (M), Rhea (F), Rhiannon (F)
Power — Atlas (M), Athena (F), Kali (F), Minerva (F), Zeus (M)
Prosperity — Anna Koun
(F), Anna Perenna (F), Benten (F), Buddhi (F), Daikoku (M), Inari (M),
Jambhala (M), Jupiter (M), Lakshmi (F), Ops (F), Pluto (M), Vasudhara
Protection — Aditi (F),
Ares (M), Atar (M), Athena (F), Auchimalen (F), Eris (F), Hecate (F),
Kali (F), Mars (M), Nahmauit (F), Padmapani (M), Prometheus (M),
Sheila-na-gig (F), Shui-Kuan (M), Syen (M), Thor (M), Zeus (M)
Psychic Ability — Apollo (M), Hecate (F), Odin (M), Psyche (F), Rowana (F), Thoth (M)
Solar Workings —
Amaterasu (F), Amun Ra (M), Apollo (M), Aya (F), Asva (F), Baldur (M),
Bast (F), Bochica (M), Da-Bog (M), Dyaus (M), Eos (F), Helios (M),
Hsi-Ho (F), Hyperion (M), Igaehindvo (F), Li (F), Maui (M), Sul (F),
Sunna (F), Sunniva (F), Surya (M)
Strength — Anu (F), Apollo (M), Diana (F), Fortuna (F)
Travel — Beielbog (M), Ekchuah (M), Hasammelis(M), Kunado (M), Mercury (M)
Victory — Hercules (M), Korraual (F), Nike (F), Pallus Athena (F), Vijaya (F), Victoria (F)
War — Ares (M), Athena (F), Eris (F), Mars (M), Thor (M)
Weather — Lightning — Agni (M), Thor (M), Thunor (M), Tien Mu (F); Rain — Agni (M), Gwalu (M), Mama Quilla (F), Melusine (F), Sadwes (F), Tallai (F); Snow — Father Winter (M), Holle (F), Kris Kringle (M); Storms — Hadad (M), Rodasi (F), Tempustus (F); Thunder — Peroun (M), Zeus (M); Wind — Aeolus (M), Awhiowhio (M), Boreas (M), Oya (F), Sarama (F)
Wisdom — Athena (F),
Atri (M), Balder (M), Bragi (M), Buddha (M), Dainichi (M), Demeter (F),
Diana (F), Ea (M), Ekadzati (F), Gasmu (F), Heh (F), Metis (F), Minerva
(F), Namagiri (F), Oannes (M), Persephone (F), Prajna (F), Sapientia
(F), Shekinah (F), Sophia (F), Thoth (M), Victoria (F)
SOURCE: Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living by Dorothy Morrison